纪梵希的品牌介绍英文版 -九游会ag

introduction to givenchy brand

givenchy is a french luxury fashion and perfume house founded in 1952 by designer hubert de givenchy. the brand has become synonymous with elegance, sophistication, and timeless beauty. givenchy has a rich history of creating iconic designs that have been worn by some of the most famous people in the world, including audrey hepburn, jackie kennedy, and princess grace of monaco.

givenchy is known for its haute couture clothing, accessories, and fragrances. the brand has a reputation for producing high-quality products that are both luxurious and functional. givenchy has a loyal following of customers who appreciate the brand’s attention to detail and commitment to excellence.

history of givenchy

givenchy was founded in 1952 by hubert de givenchy, who had previously worked for other fashion houses such as elsa schiaparelli and christian dior. givenchy’s first collection was presented in paris in 1952 and was an immediate success. the collection featured elegant and feminine designs that were inspired by the glamour of hollywood.

over the years, givenchy has continued to innovate and push the boundaries of fashion. the brand has collaborated with other designers, such as alexander mcqueen and riccardo tisci, to create unique and memorable collections. givenchy has also expanded into other areas, such as fragrances, cosmetics, and accessories.


givenchy offers a wide range of products, including clothing, accessories, fragrances, and cosmetics. the brand’s clothing collections are known for their elegant and sophisticated designs, with a focus on clean lines and timeless silhouettes. givenchy’s accessories are equally impressive, with a range of handbags, shoes, and jewelry that are both stylish and functional.

givenchy’s fragrances are some of the most popular in the world, with scents that are both classic and modern. the brand’s most famous fragrance is “l’interdit,” which was created in 1957 for audrey hepburn. the fragrance has since become a classic and is still popular today.

in addition to clothing, accessories, and fragrances, givenchy also offers a range of cosmetics. the brand’s makeup products are known for their high-quality ingredients and long-lasting formulas. givenchy’s cosmetics range includes everything from foundation and concealer to lipstick and eyeshadow.


givenchy is a brand that has stood the test of time. with its commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and innovative designs, givenchy has become a symbol of luxury and sophistication. whether you’re looking for a timeless piece of clothing, a stylish accessory, or a signature fragrance, givenchy has something to offer. so why not indulge in a little luxury and treat yourself to something from the iconic brand?



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